Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Getting Back on the Horse

Writer's Note: Okay, I have officially given up my attempt, as many have already known, to have 100 posts in 100 days. Looking back at this endeavor, I think that I took on a project that I obviously wasn't able to comprehend and take on. My procrastination even effected my willingness to continue blogging; but now I am going to swallow my pride and just start over.

My previous post dealt with my ordeal of getting back into practicing my trumpet. My experience, so far, has been great; I think that I needed to practice my trumpet in order to re-organize my life. During the last week, I haven't really been able to sit down to do anything, much less practice. I am starting to have withdrawals. 

Because of this experience, I really need to think about organizing my schedule around to include activities that are relaxing. At this point, I run, bike, read, or practice for relaxation. Nonetheless, I want to reorganize my schedule without going too overboard; meaning, I don't want to live-or-die by my schedule because I understand that Life happens that will force me to reschedule my time. A permanent, yet flexible, schedule is hard to establish; there are only a limited amount of hours during the week. 

Another aspect that is making my practicing difficult is the lack of practice material. The freshness of my practice regime is way past its due date. I need to freshen it up or just suck it up or a combination of both. Because of monetary reasons, it will be a couple of months before I invest in advance and specific trumpet methods that may benefit my development. 

I have a lot on my plate and I hope to chronicle it on this blog. Everything that pertains to music, I will have my reflections on 

I will keep you posted...

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